

成茂優季,安倍広多,石橋勇人,松浦敏雄,構造化P2Pネットワークにおけるコンテンツの人気度を考慮したショートカットリンクの生成方法とその評価,情報処理学会研究報告,Vol. 2013-DPS-155, No. 15, pp. 1–6 (2013-5).



Considering lookup queries on a structured P2P network, target contents are not uniformly distributed on the network. On the contrary, some specific nodes have very popular –``hot’’– contents and receive a large number of queries. Several works propose methods to reduce average search time by creating shortcut links to those hot contents. This paper proposes a method for creating shortcut links that is applicable to variety of structured P2P networks. This method requires no global knowledge of the P2P network and is more efficient than existing works. Effectiveness of the method is experimentally confirmed by simulation.


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